
  • Syaiful Syaiful Departement of Civil Engineering, Ibn Khaldun University Bogor
  • Hermanto Siregar Professor of Economics and Management Faculty, IPB University Bogor
  • Ernan Rustiadi Departement of Soil Science and Land Resources, Agriculture Faculty, IPB University Bogor
  • Eri Susanto Hariyadi Civil Engineering and Environment Faculrty, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Fitri Aning Dwi Ardila Departement of Civil Engineering, Ibn Khaldun University Bogor
  • Chaeka Fitria Ramadhania Akbar Departement of Civil Engineering, Ibn Khaldun University Bogor



traffic density, noise, motorcycles, sound level meter, Covid-19.


The density of motorized vehicles, especially motorcycles on the highway, is getting higher. However, in line with the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, it has an impact on the decrease in the number of motorized vehicles on the highway. The density of motorcycles has a significant effect on noise, from all analysis calculations, the largest equation is obtained on the fourth day of the study, the second point (Sound Level Meter 2), with a contribution of 32.42%. Obtained the calculation below, y = 63.36 + 0.002x1. This equation means that if there is no decrease in motorcycle density, the noise level in SLM2 is 63.36 dBA. If there is a motorcycle density also has a significant effect on noise. The second largest equation was obtained on the third day of research at the third point (Sound Level Meter 3) with a contribution of 36.21% based on the equation calculation below, y = 60.24 + 0.001x1. The meaning of the above equation is that if there is an increase in the density of the motorcycle, the noise in the SLM3 is 60.24 dBA. The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the world, Indonesia is also getting its effects, especially the very large Bogor district. The rapid spread of Covid-19 has changed the pattern of life for the people of Bogor, especially students who initially go to school every morning, now go to school and study online.

Author Biographies

Syaiful Syaiful, Departement of Civil Engineering, Ibn Khaldun University Bogor

Departement of Civil Engineering, Ibn Khaldun University Bogor

Hermanto Siregar, Professor of Economics and Management Faculty, IPB University Bogor

Professor of Economics and Management Faculty, IPB University Bogor

Ernan Rustiadi, Departement of Soil Science and Land Resources, Agriculture Faculty, IPB University Bogor

Departement of Soil Science and Land Resources, Agriculture Faculty, IPB University Bogor

Eri Susanto Hariyadi, Civil Engineering and Environment Faculrty, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Civil Engineering and Environment Faculrty, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Fitri Aning Dwi Ardila, Departement of Civil Engineering, Ibn Khaldun University Bogor

Departement of Civil Engineering, Ibn Khaldun University Bogor

Chaeka Fitria Ramadhania Akbar, Departement of Civil Engineering, Ibn Khaldun University Bogor

Departement of Civil Engineering, Ibn Khaldun University Bogor


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How to Cite

Syaiful, S., Siregar, H., Rustiadi, E., Hariyadi, E. S., Ardila, F. A. D., & Akbar, C. F. R. (2021). TRAFFIC DENSITY DUE TO MOTORCYCLE NOISE DURING THE PANDEMIC COVID-19. ASTONJADRO, 11(1), 151–166.


