
  • Erniati Bachtiar Department of Civil Engineering, Fajar University Makassar
  • Arman Setiawan Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Bosowa, Makassar
  • Fajar Musahir Department of Procurement of Goods and Services, Barru, South Sulawesi




fly ash, concrete, cement, fine aggregate, mechanic strength.


At the moment, the cost of concrete is quickly increasing as the cost of cement and aggregates continues to rise. As a result, a replacement for fine aggregate as well as a substitute for cement is required to decrease the cost of concrete production. In general, concrete is composed of cement as a base material that is workable and satisfies specified performance, durability, and strength criteria, aggregate, and water. In the field of engineering constructions, reinforced high-strength concrete has a significant impact on development. Apart from its exceptional strength, this kind of concrete must exhibit workability, minimal shrinkage, release characteristics, and self-compaction. The authors of this research performed a literature review to explore high-quality concrete made using fly ash as a replacement for cement and fine particles. Fly Ash is a waste product or byproduct of the coal-fired power plant's combustion process. Fresh concrete made using fly ash as cement and fine aggregate has an average slump value of 90-200 mm. The compressive strength of concrete made with fly ash ranges between 35 and 60 MPa after a 28-day curing period. The optimal percentage of fly ash in high-strength concrete is between 10% and 30%.

Author Biographies

Erniati Bachtiar, Department of Civil Engineering, Fajar University Makassar

Department of Civil Engineering, Fajar University Makassar

Arman Setiawan, Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Bosowa, Makassar

Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Bosowa, Makassar

Fajar Musahir, Department of Procurement of Goods and Services, Barru, South Sulawesi

Department of Procurement of Goods and Services, Barru, South Sulawesi


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How to Cite

Bachtiar, E., Setiawan, A., & Musahir, F. (2022). HIGH STRENGTH CONCRETE USING FLY ASH A CEMENT AND FINE AGGREGATE. ASTONJADRO, 11(2), 448–457. https://doi.org/10.32832/astonjadro.v11i2.6725


