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Kristiyanto, Kristiyanto, INDONESIA
Kurnia Mulyawanti, Widia, INDONESIA
Kurnianingsih, Oktavia, Faculty of Vocational School Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta
Kurniawan, Irfan
Kurniawan, Wahyu
Kurniawati, Wakhidah, INDONESIA
Kusmana, Dody, Civil Engineering Departement, Sangga Buana University YPKP
Kusno, Asniawaty, INDONESIA
Kusuma, I Gede Wahyu, Perencanaan dan Manajemen Pembangunan Desa dan Kota of Program Study (PMDK), Magister of Architecture Program Udayana University, INDONESIA
Kusumastuti, Dyah, INDONESIA


Labina, Bagastha Pudji Yurinko, Department of Civil Engineering Narotama University Surabaya
Laraswati, Laraswati, Student of Civil Engineering Study Program, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Lase, Yuskar, INDONESIA
Laskara, Gede Windu, Department of Architecture, Engineering Faculty, Udayana University
Lestari, Ayu, Civil Engineering Departement Ibn Khaldun University Bogor
Lestari, Puri Anita, Civil Engineering Departement Ibn Khaldun University Bogor
Lestari, Sri, INDONESIA
Listiana, Icho Dharma Tri, INDONESIA
Lubis, Syamsulsyah, Lecturer of Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning Institute of Science and Technology T.D. Pardede, Medan
Lubis, Syamsulsyah, Lecturer of Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Institute of Science and Technology T.D. Pardede, Medan
Luh Putu Ambaraswati, Ni, INDONESIA
Lukman, Lukman, INDONESIA
Lutfi, Muhamad
Lutfi, Muhamad, UIKA Bogor
Lutfi, Muhamad, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, INDONESIA

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