Budaya Perusahaan Dan Kompensasi Berpengaruh Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan
This study aims to analyze the Influence of Organizational Culture and Compensation Against Employee Performance Company Regional Transportation Services Bogor City. This research is descriptive research with quantitative approach with data collection technique through library data and field study conducted with questionnaire. The sampling technique used in this research is 60 rich people. Data analysis method used is product moment correlation coefficient, partial correlation, multiple, and multiple regression by using computer application to know whether or not strong relationship between variables is organizational culture and compensation on employee performance. Based on the result of research indicate that there is significant influence between work culture to employee performance as evidenced by result t arithmetic = 3,485> t table = 2,002 and big influence given by organizational culture equal to 20,3%, and significant influence between compensation to employee performance evidenced by the results t arithmetic = 3.042> t table = 2,002 and the magnitude of the effect given by the compensation of 12.3%, and there is a significant influence between organizational culture and compensation on employee performance as evidenced by the test results F arithmetic = 11.408> F table = 3.159 and the magnitude of the influence given by organizational culture and compensation of 14.4%. Based on the results of existing research suggested the company should improve the quality of work and to evaluate the compensation for employees in the company, so that employees are expected to further improve in efforts to achieve performance.References
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