Investasi, Portofolio Oprimal, Model Indeks Tunggal, Subsektor Retail, Subsektor Restoran hotel dan Pariwisata.Abstract
The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal portfolio, determine the magnitude of the profits and risks of the stock, as well as the level of the proportion of funds in the retail sub-sector and the restaurant, hotel and banking sub-sector. The single index model is based on the movement of security returns in the direction of the market index. The technique of selecting research samples is purposive sampling. The results of the study obtained 13 companies as samples, namely PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk (AMRT), PT. Hero Supermarket Tbk (HERO), PT. Matahari Department Store Tbk (LPPF), PT. Adiperkasa Tbk Active Map (MAPA), PT. Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk (MAPI), PT. Midi Utama Indonesia Tbk (MIDI), PT. Matahari Putra Prima Tbk (MPPA), PT. NFC Indonesia Tbk (NFCX), PT. Arthavest Tbk (ARTA), PT. Panorama Sentrawisata Tbk (PANR), PT. Development of Graha Lestari Indah Tbk (PGLI), PT. Pudjiadi & Sons Tbk (PNSE), PT. Pioneerindo Gourmet Internasional Tbk (PTSP). Of the 13 samples, only 8 companies formed the optimal portfolio, namely HERO, ARTA, PGLI, MIDI, AMRT, LPPF, MAPA, PANR. The highest proportion of funds is MIDI shares at 39% and the lowest proportion is MAPA and PANR shares at 2%. The expected return portfolio obtained is 0.0333 with a risk level of 0.0488.Abstrak
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan portofolio optimal, mengetahui besarnya keuntungan
dan risiko saham, serta tingkat proporsi dana pada saham susbsektor retail dan subsektor
restoran, hotel dan perbankan. Model indeks tunggal didasarkan pada pergerakan return
sekuritas yang searah dengan indeks pasar. Teknik memilih sampel penelitian dengan
purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 13 perusahaan yang menjadi sampel yaitu
PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk (AMRT), PT. Hero Supermarket Tbk (HERO), PT. Matahari
Department Store Tbk (LPPF), PT. Map Aktif Adiperkasa Tbk (MAPA), PT. Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk (MAPI), PT. Midi Utama Indonesia Tbk (MIDI), PT. Matahari Putra Prima
Tbk (MPPA), PT. NFC Indonesia Tbk (NFCX), PT. Arthavest Tbk (ARTA), PT. Panorama
Sentrawisata Tbk (PANR), PT. Pembangunan Graha Lestari Indah Tbk (PGLI), PT. Pudjiadi
& Sons Tbk (PNSE), PT. Pioneerindo Gourmet Internasional Tbk (PTSP). Dari 13 sampel
hanya 8 perusahaan yang membentuk portofolio optimal yaitu HERO, ARTA, PGLI, MIDI,
AMRT, LPPF, MAPA, PANR. Proporsi dana tertinggi yaitu saham MIDI sebesar 39% dan
proporsi dana terendah yaitu saham MAPA dan PANR sebesar 2%. Expected return
portofolio yang diperoleh sebesar 0,0333 dengan tingkat risiko yang di tanggung sebesar
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