Designing UI/UX Reservation Application Savero Hotel Depok With Design Thinking Method Using Figma


  • Remi Senjaya Universitas Gunadarma
  • Dhian Sweetania Universitas Gunadarma
  • MS. Herawati Universitas Gunadarma
  • Puji Sularsih Universitas Gunadarma
  • Ari Rosemalatriasari Universitas Gunadarma



One thing that needs to be considered to develop a good application is to design the UI and UX according to the needs of the users themselves. The activity of a Savero Hotel Depok Reservation application product designed to provide convenience facilities for customers with a fast Hotel Reservation information service so that users who are out of town who want to book Hotel Rooms can now take advantage of technology to order online using the Application/Website. The process for generating new innovative ideas in the development of new application products uses a user-centered approach known as Design Thinking which is an approach or method of problem solving both cognitively, creatively and practically to answer human needs as users. Design thinking always starts with empathy. That is, exploring the perspectives, feelings and experiences of users to understand their needs, then looking for solutions through broad thoughts or ideas to find the best solution and tested to ensure the solution is truly effective in solving the problem. The final result of this research is to design the UI/UX Design of the Savero Hotel Depok Reservation Application with the Design Thinking Method using Figma to create an attractive and User Friendly Design appearance which can be seen in the Prototype testing results using maze getting a score of 88%, and the results table of the analysis questionnaire Usability Testing data gets a score of 82.3%.


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Cara Mengutip

Senjaya, R., Sweetania, D., Herawati, M., Sularsih, P., & Rosemalatriasari, A. (2023). Designing UI/UX Reservation Application Savero Hotel Depok With Design Thinking Method Using Figma. INOVA-TIF, 6(1), 1–14.


