The Use Of Integrated Development Environment (Ide) In Making An Android-Based Weight Calculator
Body weight is the result of a decrease or increase in all body tissues, including bone, muscle, fat, and other body fluids. In Indonesia, 13.5% of adults aged 18 years and over are overweight, while 28.7% are obese. The purpose of this paper is to produce an Android-based Ideal Weight Information and Calculation Application that makes it easy for users to find out weight categories and provide information about tips for maintaining, losing, and increasing weight using Android. The Android-based Ideal Weight Information and Calculation Application has several features, namely calculating body mass index, tips, eating schedule, and exercise. There is an explanation for each of these features. The Android-based Ideal Weight Information and Calculation Application was created using the Java programming language, JDK, Android-based XML and Android Studio with SDK.
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