Tentang Jurnal Ini

Focus and Scope

Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah  is a media scientific publication that contains articles in the field of communication and the scope of Islamic Da'wah. Komunika journal is dedicated to foster the creation and exchange of ideas between academia or research, faculty and university. Articles published in the journal put forward an objective analysis of the case of communication or propaganda of Islam in the perspective of the Academy include: (1) the results of research in the field of communication and propagation of Islam (2) a review of the concept of communication and propagation of Islam and the implementation of the study of literature. 

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah undergo a rigorous screening and review process to ensure that they fit into the journal's scope and are of sufficient academic quality and novelty to appeal to Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah's readership. Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah employs a double-blind peer review, in which both author(s) and reviewers identities are concealed from each other.

Initial screening. A newly submitted manuscript will be screened by the Editor-in-Chief for its conformity to Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah's scope and basic submission requirements.

Peer-review. If the manuscript passes the initial screening stage, it will be assigned to a handling editor, who will then send it to reviewer experts in the relevant field to undergo a double-blind peer-review. Manuscripts that fail to pass the initial screening will be rejected without further review.

First decision. A decision on a peer-reviewed manuscript will only be made upon the receipt of review reports. At this stage, a manuscript can either be rejected, asked for revisions (minor or major), accepted as is, or (if significant changes to the language or content are required) recommended for resubmission for a second review process. If it is accepted, the manuscript will be returned to the submitting author for formatting. The final decision to accept the manuscript will be made by the Editor-in-Chief based on the recommendation of the handling editor and following approval by the board of editors.

Revision stage. A manuscript that requires revisions will be returned to the submitting author, who will have up to three weeks to format and revise the manuscript, following which it will be reviewed by the handling editor. The handling editor will determine whether the changes are adequate and appropriate, as well as whether the author(s) sufficiently responded to the reviewers' comments and suggestions. If the revisions are deemed to be inadequate, this cycle will be repeated (the manuscript will be returned to the submitting author once more for further revision).

Final decision. At this stage, the revised manuscript will either be accepted or rejected. This decision is dependent whether the handling editor finds the manuscript to have been improved to a level worthy of publication. If the author(s) are unable to make the required changes or have done so to a degree below Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah's standards, the manuscript will be rejected.

Reviewer Guidelines

All papers submitted to Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah undergo a rigorous peer-review to ensure that they not only fit into the journal's scope but are of sufficient academic quality and novelty to appeal to our readers. As a reviewer, you will be required to uphold this standard.

These guidelines will help you understand your responsibilities as a reviewer, as well as your ethical obligations to both the journal and the authors. You will also be introduced to what you should be looking for in a manuscript, so that your review will be consistent with others requested by the journal. This is particularly important as all articles submitted to Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah should be evaluated on the same playing field.

Your responsibilities as a reviewer

As a reviewer, you will be responsible for reading the manuscript and evaluating its suitability for publication in Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah along with its scientific quality. You will be expected to provide constructive, impartial, unambiguous, and honest feedback to the authors, with the purpose of encouraging them to improve their manuscript.

In accordance with its commitment to the development of young scientists, Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah aims to see all authors who submit to the journal”regardless of whether they are accepted”improve both as academic writers and researchers. As such, reviewer comments that in any way denigrate or discourage an author from re-submitting to this or another journal will not be tolerated. Reviews should be critical but not detrimental to accurate scientific communication.

Things to consider before agreeing to review a manuscript

Before you agree to review a manuscript, you should be certain that you have the necessary expertise and time to provide a critical evaluation of the article. You should ensure that:

  • The article matches your expertise. Log into your Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah account and read the manuscript's abstract to determine whether your field of expertise matches that of the manuscript.
  • You are able to both complete the review on time and dedicate the appropriate time to conducting a thorough review. A review should be completed within three weeks. If you do not think you can complete the review within this timeframe, please let the editor know. If possible, please also suggest an alternate reviewer. If you agree to review a manuscript, but later on find yourself unable to complete it on time, please contact the editor as soon as possible.
  • You have no conflict of interest. Determine whether there is any conflict of interest that may affect your impartiality in evaluating the manuscript. If there is, you should contact the editor and immediately recuse yourself. If you were unable to detect any conflict before agreeing to the review request, but find one during the review, simply contact the editor and explain why you cannot continue.

Reviewer ethics

Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah relies on the impartiality and discretion of reviewers, and as a reviewer, you are entrusted with confidential material meant solely for critical evaluation. As such, we expect you to treat all documents and correspondence related to the review with the appropriate level of care.

  • Do not use any of the information therein for the advancement of your own research or to discredit another party.
  • Do not discuss any aspect of the manuscript with a third party.
  • Ensure that the information therein and details of the review process remain confidential before, during, and after publication.
  • Maintain the integrity of the double-blind review process. Do not under any circumstances contact any of the authors to discuss their manuscript.
  • Be fair, honest, and objective in your evaluation of the manuscript.
  • Declare a conflict of interest, and recuse yourself immediately if you believe your impartiality has been compromised.

Conducting the review

Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah's review procedure

Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah uses an online submission and peer review system. When a reviewer is requested to review a paper submitted to Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah , they will have a journal account created for them, through which they will be able to read the abstract and decide on whether to agree to review it.

If you have been requested to review a paper, simply log into your reviewer account, read the provided abstract, and indicate whether you agree to review it. If you decline to review the manuscript, please include the reason why, and if possible, suggest an alternate reviewer from a similar field.

To ensure the integrity of the peer-review process, all further correspondence will be through this system, with the reviewer being given access to the full manuscript and provided with a review page to fill out and submit. If you wish, you can also provide comments directly on the manuscript file, but be sure that all comments are made anonymously and focus on the content of the article, not its layout or formatting.

Basic criteria

A good review looks at both the overall quality of the manuscript and the accuracy and precision of its details. The former is informed by the latter. When evaluating a manuscript for Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah , look at the following aspects:

  • Scope. Is the manuscript within Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah's scope? How interesting will the article be to the journal's readership?
  • Novelty of the research. Is the article sufficiently novel and interesting? Does it add new knowledge? How original is the research?
  • Appropriateness of the title. Does the title accurately represent the content?
  • Content quality. Does the article adhere to Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah's standards? Is the research question an important one? Does the manuscript help to expand or further current research in its respective field?
  • Methodology. Is the description of the methodology informative, clear, and concise? Is the methodology of the research precise and properly conducted? How appropriate is the approach or experimental design?
  • Significance of the results. Do the results have significant implications for Education and/or society?
  • Appropriateness of tables, figures, and/or supplemental material. Is every figure/table necessary and correctly described? Is the supplementary material appropriate for the content?
  • Completeness of the data. How complete are the data?
  • Relevance of the discussion. Is the discussion relevant to the results and rest of the content? Have the authors appropriately discussed their results in the context of previous research?
  • Appropriateness of citations/references. Are all citations accounted for? Is there an appropriate amount of citations for the content (neither too few nor too many)?
  • Clarity of the content. How good is the English? Will Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah's readership have trouble understanding the content?
  • Adherence to Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah's guidelines. Does the manuscript adhere to the journal's guidelines, such as the structure of the manuscript?

Ethical considerations

In addition to the above criteria, also pay attention to whether the manuscript contains instances of plagiarism, improper referencing, re-publication, or fraud. Things to look for:

  • Plagiarism. Observe whether a portion of the manuscript has been copied from another work without giving appropriate credit. For example, text has been copied verbatim without a clear indication that it is a quote, text has been copied but not cited (suggesting that these are the authors' own words/ideas), or some portion of the text has been copied without the permission of the original author. If you find that a significant part of the manuscript has been plagiarized, please contact the editor as soon as possible so we can take the appropriate actions.
  • Missing, incorrect, or incomplete references. All text, figures, tables, data, ideas, or concepts that have been published previously should be cited. It is considered plagiarism for an author to present something as their own even though it is not, regardless of their intent.
  • Re-publication. It is against Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah's policy to publish work that has already been published elsewhere. Please notify the editor if you find an instance of a manuscript having been published previously (partially or fully).
  • Fraud. Any part of the manuscript that is found to be untrue should be highlighted as such. Any form of data manipulation or tampering should be brought to the editor's attention.

Publication ethics is not limited to these four items. If you believe the authors have attempted to mislead readers, infringed upon a copyright or patent, or might jeopardize the integrity of the journal in any other way, please contact the handling editor.

The Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah review form

Once you have gathered enough information to make a decision on the manuscript, log into your Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah account to complete the review. At minimum, you will be required to grade the manuscript based on the aforementioned criteria, as well as to summarize your major findings and give your overall impression of the article. Although it is only optional, we highly encourage you to also take the opportunity to comment on the manuscript in more detail, and provide specific suggestions that might improve any aspect of it.

If you have made specific comments in the manuscript file, remember to anonymize them to prevent the authors from being able to identify you.

Making good comments

It's important to ensure that all comments are constructive and intended to better the quality of the manuscript or otherwise help the authors understand where they went wrong. Please reconsider making comments that fall out of this purview.

Follow good commenting practices. For example:

  • Do not comment on the acceptability of the manuscript, and avoid suggesting revisions as conditions for acceptance.
  • Provide detailed, unambiguous comments.
  • Be respectful and positive. Your goal should be to help the authors improve their article, by providing constructive criticism and helpful suggestions. (Consider how you would like your own manuscript to be reviewed.)
  • Highlight areas that need clarification or should be elaborated further by the authors.
  • Make suggestions on how the authors can improve problematic passages. How might they improve the clarity of a given section?
  • You are not required to edit the authors' style or grammar, but any improvement to the clarity of the manuscript is greatly appreciated, especially in regards to technical terms.
  • Highlight consistent instances of outdated or mispelled technical terminology.
  • Avoid making dogmatic statements. You should be able to backup your comments with proof or precedence in previous literature.
  • Take care not to dismiss the manuscript, whether in its novelty, methodology, or findings.


Your final task as a reviewer will be to recommend that the manuscript be a) accepted as is, b) accepted with minor revisions, c) accepted with major revisions, d) accepted with major revisions (requiring a re-review), e) rejected but with a recommendation to re-submit after the work is more developed, or f) outright rejected. If the manuscript is rejected, you should explain your reasons why.

Each recommendation should be supported by the facts of the evaluation, and backed with constructive criticism. Be aware that you are one of at least two reviewers. Even if your recommendation differs from the other reviewers' recommendations, a good critical review will enable us to make an informed final decision on the manuscript. Also note that the final decision on the manuscript is made by the editorial board, taking into account the recommendation of each review, and your recommendation might not be reflected in this decision.


Publication Frequency

Komunika: Journal of Communication Science and Islamic Dakwah published twice a year in June and December.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Journal History

  1. Pada Tahun 2021, kami memindahkan alamat Web OJS  kami dari yang sebelumnya https://www.jurnalfai-uikabogor.org/index.php/komunika ke alamat yang sekarang  http://ejournal.uika-bogor.ac.id/index.php/Komunika
  2. Beberapa data: Perubahan pengelola, tampilan jurnal dan template dilakukan pada 2021. Beberapa pemenuhan terbitan yang tidak berjalanpun dilakukan di tahun 2021 atas tahun-tahun sebelumnya.