Perhitungan Kapasitas Pengaliran Kali Cipinang dari Kelurahan Kebon Pala sampai dengan Banjir Kanal Timur dalam Pengendalian Banjir
Masalah banjir yang terjadi didaerah perkotaan khususnya Jakarta sudah menjadi suatu hal yang biasa dan sudah menjadi agenda setiap musim penghujan tiba. Penelitian dilakukan dari daerah Kebon Pala sampai dengan Banjir Kanal Timur, yaitu daerah yang dilalui kali Cipinang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi perhitungan curah hujan pada periode ulang, perhitungan kapasitas pengaliran alur sungai, dan perencanaan ulang dimensi alur sungai yang menjadi salah satu upanya untuk pengendalian banjir. Metode rata-rata aljabar menjadi alternatif perhitungan data curah hujan yang kemudian dilakukan perhitungan distribusi dengan pengujian kesesuaian distribusi yaitu Chi-Kuadrat. Perhitungan debit banjir dengan menggunakan Metode HSS Nakayasu dan perhitungan kapasitas pengaliran menggunakan perhitungan manual dengan rumus Manning. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada kemampuan atau kapasitas pengaliran alur sungai untuk mngalirkan debit banjir pada periode ulang.
Kata kunci: Pengendalian Banjir, Sungai Cipinang, Kapasitas Pengaliran Sungai, Distibusi Frekuensi.
The problem of flooding in urban areas, especially Jakarta, has become a common thing and has become an agenda every rainy season arrives. The research was conducted from the Kebon Pala area to the East Flood Canal, which is the area that the Cipinang river passes through. This study uses quantitative methods. This study aims to identify the calculation of rainfall in the return period, the calculation of the capacity of the river channel flow, and the redesign of the river channel dimensions which is one of the efforts for flood control. The algebraic average method is used as an alternative to calculating the rainfall data, which is then testing the suitability of the distribution. Calculation of flood discharge using the Nakayasu HSS's method and calculation of drainage capacity using manual calculations with the Manning's formula. This research focuses on the ability or capacity of the river channel to flow flood discharge in the return period. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the existing dimensions of the Kebon Pala river channel with a width of 15 m and a river channel depth of 1.2 m are only able to drain a flood discharge of 76.074 m³/second. With the trial and error method on the dimensions of the planned river, the width is 18 m and the depth is 2.1 m with the flow rate of 192.498 m³/second.
Keywords: Flood management, Cipinang river, river capacity, distribution of frequency.
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