ABSTRAKKomposisi campuran bahan penyusun beton (semen, agregat kasar, agregat halus, air dan aditif) sangat mempengaruhi kekuatan beton struktur. Dengan demikian diperlukan perencanaan campuran (mix design) agar beton dapat memenuhi spesifikasi teknik yang ditentukan. Penelitian mengenai kuat tekan beton dengan menggunakan agregat pecahan genteng press jatiwangi dan bahan additive bermerk damdex pada campuran beton dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari masing-masing bahan terhadap kuat tekan beton. Sampel dibuat dengan berdasarkan perhitungan campuran beton metode British DOE, dengan perbedaan pada kadar agregat. Berdasarkan hasil uji kuat tekan beton rata – rata pada sampel dengan penambahan agregat kasar genteng press jatiwangi sebanyak 40% dan bahan additive damdex sebesar 1,5%, terjadi peningkatan kuat tekan beton sebesar 92,41%, dan pada sampel dengan penambahan agregat kasar genteng press jatiwangi sebanyak 50% dan bahan additive damdex sebesar 2,5%, terjadi peningkatan kuat tekan beton sebesar 87,18%. Dari hasil kuat tekan beton rata – rata yang diperoleh tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan bahan genteng press Jatiwangi dan bahan additive damdex pada campuran beton dapat meningkatkan kuat tekan beton.
Kata Kunci: kuat tekan beton, agregat kasar, genteng press Jatiwangi, Damdex
ABSTRACTThe composition of the mixture of concrete ingredients (cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, water and additives) greatly affects the strength of the concrete structure. Thus, a mix design is required so that the concrete can meet the specified technical specifications. Research on the compressive strength of concrete using Jatiwangi roof-tile aggregate and additive Damdex in the concrete mixture was carried out to determine the effect of each material on the compressive strength of the concrete. The samples were made based on the calculation of the British DOE concrete mixture with differences in aggregate content. Based on the results of the average concrete compressive strength test, in the sample with the addition 40% coarse aggregate of Jatiwangi roof-tile and additive damdex by 1.5%, there was an increase in the compressive strength of the concrete by 92.41%, and in the sample with the addition 50% coarse aggregate of Jatiwangi roof-tile and additive damdex by 2.5%, there was an increase in the compressive strength of the concrete by 87.18%. From the results of the average compressive strength of the concrete obtained, it can be concluded that the addition of Jatiwangi rooof-tile and additive damdex to the concrete mixture can increase the compressive strength of the concrete.
Key words: concrete compressive strength, coarse aggregate, Jatiwangi roof-tile, Damdex.
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