Vol. 19 No. 2 (2024): AGUSTUS
Cost Volume Profit Analysis as a Profit Planning Tool at Buket Husnul
- This article have been read 148 times, downloaded 94 times PDF
The Effect of Health Expenditure, Education Expenditure, and Poverty on the Human Development Index in Lampung Province
- This article have been read 151 times, downloaded 82 times PDF
Determinans Sustainability Report, Leverage and Tax Avoidance on Financial Performance with CEO Narcissism as Moderation Variable
- This article have been read 249 times, downloaded 131 times PDF
The Effect of Mudharobah Financing, Musyarokah Financing, and Murabahah Financing on BPRS Profitability in Indonesia
- This article have been read 132 times, downloaded 71 times PDF
The Influence of Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR), Earning Per Share (EPS), Current Ratio (CR) on Sector Sharia Stock Prices Industry Goods Consumption (in Companies Listed on the Sharia Stock Index (ISSI)
- This article have been read 213 times, downloaded 117 times PDF
Analysis of the Implementation of Sales Accounting Systems with Based Payment Transactions Fintech MSMEs Telukjambe Karawang
- This article have been read 160 times, downloaded 82 times PDF
The Influence of Financial Inclusion, Financial Literacy, and the Digital Economy on Micro, Smaall and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) from an Islamic Economic Perspective (Case Study of Rantauprapat City, Labuhanbatu District)
- This article have been read 178 times, downloaded 104 times PDF
Analysis of the Application of Environmental Accounting in Solid Waste Management in Karawang Health Center
- This article have been read 193 times, downloaded 97 times PDF
Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset in Youth: Investigating Locus of Control and Self-Efficacy among Students of Pringsewu Business Management Vocational School
- This article have been read 182 times, downloaded 122 times PDF
Analysis of Village Fund Management in Improving Village Development in Rawak Hulu Village
- This article have been read 161 times, downloaded 67 times PDF
Analysis of PPH Calculations for Individual Taxpayers According to PP 55 2022 (Case Study Aertembaga District)
- This article have been read 167 times, downloaded 75 times PDF
The Effect of Dividend Policy and Environmental Social Governance on Company Performance with Moderation of Good Corporate Governance in IDX LQ45 Companies
- This article have been read 223 times, downloaded 153 times PDF
The Influence of ROE, NPF, FDR, BOPO and Bank Size on Capital Buffer in Sharia Commercial Banks for the 2016-2022 Period
- This article have been read 175 times, downloaded 93 times PDF
The Influence of the Motor Vehicle Tax Reduction Program and Exemption of Name Transfer Duty on Taxpayer Compliance in the City of Banjararu, South Kalimantan
- This article have been read 164 times, downloaded 73 times PDF
Determinants of Stock Returns: The Moderating Role of Company Size (Empirical Study of Property and Real Estate Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange 2019-2023)
- This article have been read 164 times, downloaded 85 times PDF