Sistem Operasional Koperasi Langit Biru dalam Perspektif Hukum Positif dan Hukum Islam


  • Gesha Romadona Aulia UIN Jakarta


Abstract: Koperasi Langit Biru as enterprises need capital in accordance with the scope and type of business. Koperasi Langit Biru’s capital obtained from members who invest. The system used is a revenue sharing system, in which each member of the investment will earn a profit of Rp. 10.000, -/day/Kg of meat. The cooperative way of working using a binary system (network), the members of the above (upline) invites new members (downline) of at least 10 people to get a bonus of cooperative. The pattern of this cooperative operation was initially wowed investors, but when insolvent, causing incredible disappointment from various circles. Therefore, this study wants to analyze how Islam regards the law Cooperative of Langit Biru’s management.

Keywords: Cooperative, Operations, Islamic Law



Cara Mengutip

Aulia, G. R. (2017). Sistem Operasional Koperasi Langit Biru dalam Perspektif Hukum Positif dan Hukum Islam. JURNAL ILMU SYARIAH, 1(1). Diambil dari