Pengaruh Project Based Learning Terhadap Kreativitas Peserta Didik di Masa Pandemi


  • Dwi Wahyu Nuryati State University of Surabaya
  • Siti Masitoh
  • Fajar Arianto



Online assessments, project based learning, during the pandem


The Covid-19 pandemic that is currently happening has a major impact on the world of education. The learning system that was previously carried out face-to-face is required to be done online given the existence of social distancing rules. Project Based Learning is used because it is suitable for learning from home and contributes to the development of student creativity. The research subjects were 60 eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Mojokerto. Data collection using the scoring rubric instrument was carried out online and the data analysis technique used two-way ANOVA. The results showed that the online assessment of creativity with the project based learning model obtained an average score of 10.20 higher than the conventional learning model with an average value of 9.00. This value shows the use of a project based learning model with online assessments getting better results when compared to the use of conventional learning models.

Author Biography

Dwi Wahyu Nuryati, State University of Surabaya

college student


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How to Cite

Nuryati, D. W., Masitoh, S., & Arianto, F. (2020). Pengaruh Project Based Learning Terhadap Kreativitas Peserta Didik di Masa Pandemi. Educate : Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan, 5(2), 98–106.


