The Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Work Motivation, and Organizational Justice on Employee Performance with Organizational Citizenship Behavior as a Mediating Variable


  • Lusiana Lusiana Universitas Internasional Batam
  • Yuli Indah Fajar Dini Universitas Internasional Batam



Employee Performance, Organizational Justice, Work Motivation, Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Citizenship Behavior


Employee performance is one of the crucial factors for the sustainability of a company. Therefore, this research aims to examine the influence of emotional intelligence, work motivation, and organizational justice on employee performance, with organizational citizenship behavior as its mediation. This study utilized a quantitative method by collecting data through the distribution of a questionnaire consisting of 32 statements to several employees working in electronic distribution companies in Batam City. The questionnaire distribution was conducted online using Google Forms. From the questionnaire distribution, a total of 350 responses were obtained and analyzed using SPSS and Smart PLS. The results of this study indicate that out of the ten proposed hypotheses, six hypotheses have a significant influence, while four hypotheses do not. The hypotheses with significant results are: (H2) work motivation has a significant influence on employee performance, (H3) emotional intelligence has a significant influence on employee performance, (H4) organizational justice has a significant influence on organizational citizenship behavior, (H5) work motivation has a significant influence on organizational citizenship behavior, (H7) organizational citizenship behavior has a significant influence on employee performance, and (H9) work motivation has a significant influence on employee performance with the mediation of organizational citizenship behavior. On the other hand, the remaining four hypotheses show non-significant results.


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How to Cite

Lusiana, L., & Indah Fajar Dini, Y. (2024). The Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Work Motivation, and Organizational Justice on Employee Performance with Organizational Citizenship Behavior as a Mediating Variable. Jurnal Manajemen (Edisi Elektronik), 15(2), 270–285.