Business Development Strategy of PT. XPRO-AGROTAMA, Gunung Mulya Village, Tenjolaya District, Bogor Regency


  • Ayutyas Sayekti Institut Pertanian Bogor



Agrotourism, BMC, Industry foresight, Strategy, Fish farming


  1. Xpro Agrotama is a fish farming company that has the potential to be developed as agrotourism, located in Gunung Mulya Village, Tenjolaya District. The purpose of this study is to identify Industry foresight, Challenges, Targets that affect the development of agribusiness business in Agrotourism at PT. Xpro Agrotama Cinangneng and Development Strategy using Business Model Canvas to develop into agrotourism or agroedutourism The method used in this study uses Business Model Canvas. The results showed that the business strategy model of PT. Xpro Agrotama is a B2B and B2C type that prioritizes trust and commitment in the booking system and satisfaction from visitors and utilizes natural resources and human resources, aspects of potential tourism attraction, community motivation, facilities and infrastructure, and existing institutions to develop businesses into agrotourism. The company offers tourist attractions such as nature tourism and fishing tourism. The above analysis identifies both internal and external potentials, including: product potential / tourist attraction, human resource support, community motivation, facilities and infrastructure, supporting facilities for tourism activities, land / area availability, then a strategy can be drawn that can be used for the development of tourism villages in Bogor Regency.


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How to Cite

Sayekti, A. (2025). Business Development Strategy of PT. XPRO-AGROTAMA, Gunung Mulya Village, Tenjolaya District, Bogor Regency. Jurnal Manajemen, 16(1).


