Beyond Musical Talent

The Role of Professional Networks in Musicians’ Career Development in Jakarta




Professional Networking, Social Capital, Career Development, Musicians, Creative Industry


The growth of the creative economy sector in Indonesia, particularly the music industry, has created a dynamic and competitive environment for musicians in Jakarta. While professional networking is essential for career development, the relationship between musicians’ network usage and career achievement requires further exploration. A qualitative methodology incorporating case studies and thematic analysis was adopted for this study. The study involved a key informant, a professional musician with ten years of experience in Jakarta's music industry. The data gathering process integrated semi-structured interviews alongside social media and document observations. The theoretical framework combined Social Capital Theory and Systems Theory Framework. The study revealed that musicians' career development in Jakarta follows a five-point evolution of social capital: from initial formation relying on bonding capital to portfolio optimization through bridging capital. The interplay among individual, social and environment systems defines key success factors. The research identified three key mechanisms: strategic network formation, collaboration opportunity utilization, and industry dynamics adaptation. Professional networking contributes to career success through reciprocity principles, professional credibility, and adaptive capabilities. The findings demonstrate that successful career development in Jakarta's music industry requires a holistic approach integrating networking strategies with professional growth. The study contributes to understanding how social capital operates in creative industries where boundaries between systems are fluid. These insights are valuable for developing support systems that facilitate inclusive growth in Jakarta's music ecosystem.

Author Biographies

Anastasia Enike Hanorsian, Universitas Airlangga

Anastasia Enike Hanorsian adalah mahasiswa pascasarjana di Program Studi Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, peminatan Industri Kreatif, Universitas Airlangga. Anastasia memiliki minat penelitian dalam bidang pariwisata, ekonomi kreatif, dan pengembangan SDM.

Dina Septiani, Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga

Dina Septiani, Ph.D specializes in Social Media Marketing and serves as a Lecturer in the Communication Science Department. She earned her doctorate from Clemson University and currently teaches a wide range of courses, from undergraduate to doctoral levels, including Political Communication, Consumer Behavior, Interpersonal Communication, Communications and Multiculturalism, and Communication Text.

Throughout her academic career, Dr. Septiani has been honored with multiple awards from both the Indonesian Government and Clemson University. Her research interests lie in Political Communication, Social Media Rhetoric, and Digital Rhetoric. She has contributed numerous articles to scholarly journals and authored books related to her research fields. In addition to her teaching duties, Dr. Septiani holds several administrative roles at the university level, contributing to the institution's leadership and development.

Febri Rizma Yunita, Postgraduate School, Universitas Airlangga

Febri Rizma Yunita is a Master’s student in Human Resource Development with a focus on the Creative Economy. Her research interests encompass human resource development, creative economy initiatives, and the impact of tourism on local communities. With a strong commitment to enhancing workforce capabilities in the creative sector, Febri is dedicated to exploring innovative strategies that promote sustainable tourism and economic growth.

Kalingga Wenna Ferliqueena Paramitha, Postgraduate School, Universitas Airlangga

Kalingga Wenna Ferliqueena Paramitha is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Human Resource Development within the Creative Industry. Her research interests lie at the intersection of creative economy, tourism, and human resource development. Kalingga aims to contribute to the understanding of how effective human resource practices can support the growth of the creative economy and enhance the tourism sector's contribution to community development.

Nikmatul Bahril Wahdah, Postgraduate School, Universitas Airlangga

Nikmatul Bahril Wahdah is a Master’s student in Human Resource Development specializing in the Creative Industry. Her research interests span human resource development, creative economy, tourism, and educational psychology. Nikmatul is passionate about integrating psychological principles into human resource strategies to foster innovation and improve employee well-being in the creative and tourism sectors.


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How to Cite

Hanorsian, A. E., Septiani, D., Yunita, F. R., Paramitha, K. W. F., & Wahdah, N. B. (2024). Beyond Musical Talent: The Role of Professional Networks in Musicians’ Career Development in Jakarta. Jurnal Manajemen, 16(1).


