Organizational Culture, Work Discipline, and Compensation on Organizational Commitment (Case study : the Department of Agriculture in the city of Bogor)


  • Anizar .
  • Masyhudzulhak Djamil
  • Anwar Rahim



organization, culture, compensation, discipline, work


The results show the influence of cultural variables There are organizations, labor discipline, and compensation together (combined) to the organization's commitment to the Bogor Agricultural Department. The magnitude of effect was 69.8%. While the rest is 100% - 69.8% = 30.2% is a variable influenced the other is not examined in this study. These results indicate that when the variables of organizational culture, work discipline, and compensation together (combined) to increase the commitment of the organization will increase, and vice versa if the variables of organizational culture, work discipline, and compensation together (combined) decreased the commitment the organization will decline.
Variables influence organizational culture, work discipline, and partial compensation (their own) to the organization's commitment to the Bogor Agricultural Department, is as follows: (a) The influence of organizational culture on organizational commitment 33.1%, (b ) The influence of labor discipline on organizational commitment 37.1%, (c) The amount of the compensation effect on organizational commitment 31.8%, (d) effect of partial indicates that the variable of work discipline is the most dominant variable affecting organizational commitment. Path equation is: Y = 0.331 X1+ 0.371 X2 + 0.318 X3+C.


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How to Cite

., A., Djamil, M., & Rahim, A. (2018). Organizational Culture, Work Discipline, and Compensation on Organizational Commitment (Case study : the Department of Agriculture in the city of Bogor). Jurnal Manajemen (Edisi Elektronik), 8(1), 12–23.