About the Journal
Tawazun: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam is a double-blind peer-reviewed, published by the Master of Islamic Education Study Programme, Postgraduate School, Ibn Khaldun University Bogor, Indonesian. The journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, reports and field studies of islamic education. The articles of this journal are published three times a year.
We invite authors to submit articles on Islamic education management, thoughts on Islamic education, Islamic science education, and guidance and counselling in Islamic education. Tawazun: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam is nationally accredited by the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology Number 230/E/KPT/2022 (Sinta 3), valid until 2026.
Submitting to the journal
Tawazun: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam uses an online submission and peer review platform, which allows authors to track the progress of their manuscripts and enables shorter processing times. Only submissions made through this platform are accepted, with submitting authors required to create a Tawazun account. Manuscripts submitted by any other means are automatically discarded.
Print ISSN: 1978-6786
Online ISSN: 2654-5845
Acreditation: Sinta 3
Frequency: April-August-December
Current Issue
Peran pengurus organisasi pelajar pondok dalam menegakkan kedisiplinan santri di Pondok Pesantren Modern Kabupaten Langkat
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Implementasi Al Thoriqoh Al Mubasyarah dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab untuk memperkaya Mufrodat santri MBS Zam Zam
- This article have been read 121 times, downloaded 15 times PDF
Pendidikan karakter perspektif Hasan Al-Banna
- This article have been read 48 times, downloaded 21 times PDF
Rehabilitasi pengguna narkoba melalui program Muzakarah Resident Pemulihan (MRP)
- This article have been read 48 times, downloaded 20 times PDF
Manajemen sarana prasarana dalam peningkatan kualitas ibadah di Majelis Taklim Telkom Group Pusat
- This article have been read 38 times, downloaded 14 times PDF
Pengembangan suplemen bahan ajar akhlak terhadap diri dan sesama manusia untuk Sekolah Dasar
- This article have been read 34 times, downloaded 15 times PDF
Pemikiran pendidikan Syed M. Naquib al-Attas dalam Buku "The Concept of Education in Islam"
- This article have been read 60 times, downloaded 20 times PDF
Transformation of education in Minangkabau: A comparation of the educational concepts of Abdullah Ahmad (1878-1933) and M. Sjafei (1893-1966)
- This article have been read 37 times, downloaded 10 times PDF
Metode menghafal Al-Qur’an untuk siswa SMA: Studi komparasi metode tahfidz Sulaimaniyah dan metode Sabaq, Sabqi, Manzil
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Efektivitas metode Mind Mapping pada mata pelajaran bahasa Arab di Madrasah Tsanawiyah
- This article have been read 65 times, downloaded 28 times PDF
Kompetensi kepribadian guru PAI menurut kitab Adabul Alim Wa Muta’alim KH. Hasyim Asy’ari
- This article have been read 30 times, downloaded 8 times PDF
Implementasi program pengembangan kewirausahaan di SDIT Al Madinah Bogor
- This article have been read 39 times, downloaded 2 times PDF
Pengembangan media digital awareness line untuk mencegah bullying dan tawuran di lembaga pendidikan
- This article have been read 56 times, downloaded 24 times PDF
Studi pengembangan bakat remaja melalui program mentoring islami
- This article have been read 40 times, downloaded 9 times PDF
Manajemen kegiatan siswa dalam Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5) melalui Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMKN 1 Cibinong Bogor
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Konsep adi luhung sejarah kebudayaan Islam di Indonesia dan strategi pengembangannya
- This article have been read 28 times, downloaded 4 times PDF