Pengembangan Motivasi dan Kompetensi Guru dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pembelajaran di Madrasah


  • Edi Suhadi Kementrian Agama Republik Indonesia
  • Endin Mujahidin Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor
  • Ending Bahruddin Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor
  • Ahmad Tafsir Universitas Islam Bandung



Expectations to improving the quality of teaching process and learning outcomes, has been a major challenge in providing education in MTs/Madrasah (Islamic Junior High School) at this time. Accordingly, as the educator, teachers are often seen as the main and first factors that determine the quality of learning. Teachers are required to have high motivation and adequate pedagogic competence in performing their duties. In fact, the fulfillment of qualifications and pedagogic competence of teachers is becoming the fundamental issues in education held at Madrasah. In general, the quality of Madrasah teachers is relatively lower than teachers in public schools. Besides, there are still many teachers in MTs in Bekasi whose motivation is low. Research focuses on assessing the motivation and pedagogic competence of teachers in order to improve the quality of learning in the Madrasah. In spesific, the purpose of research is to describe the characteristics of teacher motivation, pedagogic competence of teacher, and finding the motivation and pedagogic competence development strategy, in order to improve the quality of learning. The study was conducted using a descriptive approach to describe the reality of the empirical analysis is based on data and various sources. The experiment was conducted at the Islamic Junior Secondary School (MTs) in Bekasi District. The data obtained through interviews, document analysis, and questionnaires. Sources of research data are teachers, principal of MTs, MTs supervisors, and leaders of coaching institutions at the district religious ministry office. Data obtained through the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive techniques. Data from interviews and document analysis were analyzed through a process of data reduction, data presentation, and taking conclusions based on the findings and results of the verification. Based on the results of the study concluded that there was no significant difference between the teachers who have been trained by the training yet, either for motivation, pedagogic competence and quality of learning. Therefore we need a model of training that can improve motivation, pedagogic competence and quality of learning. Training model should include (1) the motivation of teachers needs to be improved in order to improve the quality of learning both in the aspect of performance of duties, self-development, or building relationships, (2) the pedagogic competence of teachers needs to be improved in order to greater quality of learning with an emphasis on pedagogical and social dimension, (3) development of motivation can be done by strengthening the intrinsic motivation to approach the job expansion and job enrichment and strengthening of extrinsic motivation through guidance, distribution of tasks and responsibilities, performance appraisal followed by providing feedback (reward and punishment), creating a conducive working atmosphere, and provide career development opportunities in accordance achievement. Pedagogic dompetence development can be done using an individual-based approach through the development of self and institution-based approaches through supervision, empowerment, conducting scientific activities, as well as fostering and development of discipline and ethics teacher profession.

Keywords: Kompetensi Guru, Madrasah, Motivasi, Mutu Pembelajaran


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How to Cite

Suhadi, E., Mujahidin, E., Bahruddin, E., & Tafsir, A. (2014). Pengembangan Motivasi dan Kompetensi Guru dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pembelajaran di Madrasah. Ta’dibuna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 3(1), 42–60.




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