Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Manajemen (Edisi Elektronik)
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Business Management In Organizational Development (Case Study Of Wikrama-Bogor Vocational School).
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A Research Project to Improve Human Resource Record Management System of Nurses In A Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka
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The Determination of the Main Production Cost of Jipang Cake Using the Full Costing Method
This article have been read 2093 times, downloaded 1189 times PDF
Formulasi Strategi Peningkatan Penjualan Cargo Service Center PT Citilink Indonesia di Jakarta
This article have been read 4299 times, downloaded 2734 times PDF
Tipe Kepribadian Berbasis Pumping HR Model Terhadap Sasaran Kerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dinas Pertanian Kota Bogor
This article have been read 1170 times, downloaded 672 times PDF
Pemetaan Pelaku Usaha Mikro Dan Kecil Di Kecamatan Cicurug Kabupaten Sukabumi
This article have been read 1056 times, downloaded 908 times PDF
Six Sigma pada UMKM Rina Payakumbuh Untuk Minimasi Defect Produk Sanjai
This article have been read 1339 times, downloaded 1280 times PDF
Pengaruh Keberagaman, Iklim Organisasi dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior
This article have been read 3959 times, downloaded 2480 times PDF
Struktur Modal pada UMKM Tahu di Kelurahan Tinalan Gang IV Kota Kediri dan Menurut Perspektif Islam
This article have been read 2218 times, downloaded 1286 times PDF
Contribution of Sharia Supervisory Board (SB) and Sharia Compliance Levels to Performance Indonesian Sharia Banking
This article have been read 1342 times, downloaded 865 times PDF