Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Manajemen (Edisi Elektronik)
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Business Management In Organizational Development (Case Study Of Wikrama-Bogor Vocational School).
- This article have been read 3128 times, downloaded 939 times PDF
A Research Project to Improve Human Resource Record Management System of Nurses In A Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka
- This article have been read 3761 times, downloaded 794 times PDF
The Determination of the Main Production Cost of Jipang Cake Using the Full Costing Method
- This article have been read 2068 times, downloaded 1171 times PDF
Formulasi Strategi Peningkatan Penjualan Cargo Service Center PT Citilink Indonesia di Jakarta
- This article have been read 4250 times, downloaded 2708 times PDF
Tipe Kepribadian Berbasis Pumping HR Model Terhadap Sasaran Kerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dinas Pertanian Kota Bogor
- This article have been read 1147 times, downloaded 661 times PDF
Pemetaan Pelaku Usaha Mikro Dan Kecil Di Kecamatan Cicurug Kabupaten Sukabumi
- This article have been read 1031 times, downloaded 884 times PDF
Six Sigma pada UMKM Rina Payakumbuh Untuk Minimasi Defect Produk Sanjai
- This article have been read 1305 times, downloaded 1258 times PDF
Pengaruh Keberagaman, Iklim Organisasi dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- This article have been read 3869 times, downloaded 2397 times PDF
Struktur Modal pada UMKM Tahu di Kelurahan Tinalan Gang IV Kota Kediri dan Menurut Perspektif Islam
- This article have been read 2184 times, downloaded 1267 times PDF
Contribution of Sharia Supervisory Board (SB) and Sharia Compliance Levels to Performance Indonesian Sharia Banking
- This article have been read 1311 times, downloaded 850 times PDF