Volume 14, Special Issue 1:Call for Paper International E-Conference Management & Small Medium Enterprises (ICMSME)-2023

Call for Paper 21 Januari 2023, Publish 5 Maret 2023
"Strategic Management & Enterpreneurship Towards New Normal Era"
Hosted by Graduate school of Ibn Khaldun Bogor University. Co-Hosted: Padjajaran University, Pakuan University, Widyatama University, Galuh University, Indonesia Banking School, IAI Tazkia, Krisnadwipayana University.
Development of Flip PDF Corporate Edition Based Learning Media on Price Index Material at SMA Negeri 3 Banjarbaru
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The Effect of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) on Financial Performance and Working Capital Management (WCM) as Mediating Variables
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Assessment Analysis of Bank Soundness Level using RGEC Approach in Banking Companies Listed on The IDX in 2019–2021
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The Customer Satisfaction Measurement Using SERVQUAL Method: Case Study in Printing Company
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The Influence Of Human Resource Management Practices, Organizational Innovation and Learning Organization Culture On Innovation Work Performance
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Non-Usury Business Model in Islamic Banking Practice (Waqf, Profit and Loss Sharing, Zakat)
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Analysis of Financial Performance Based on Financial Analysis Ratio, Common Size and Trend in Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Kesehatan Period 2019-2021
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The Effect of Entrepreneurial Competence on Business Success through Entrepreneurial Motivation as an Intervening Variable
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Financial Literacy for Better Access to Finance, Financial Risk Attitude, and Sustainability of MSMEs in Indonesia
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Customers' Preference of Online Marketplace: Trendyol and Hepsiburada Case Study
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Factors Influencing Interest in Buying the Shopee Marketplace During the Covid-19 Pandemic
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Ownership, Intellectual Capital, Audit Quality, Debt Level and Integrity of Financial Statements
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Implementation of Government Regulation Number 23 of 2018 Related to Income Earned by Taxpayers in The Msme Sector
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Trust and Purchase Intention Model of Muslim Z-Generation Consumers on E-Commerces (B2C) in Indonesia
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Experiential Marketing to Improve Interest In Buying MSME Products of Powder Coffee Tugu Sari Pupuan Bali
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Self-Service Optimization: Comprehending Customer Satisfaction
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Corruption and Fraudulent Activities in Higher Education: A Study of Literature
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Efforts to Create Relational Commitment Through Satisfaction Based on Company Image, Perception and Superior Service Quality (Study on Insurance Claiments PT. Jasa Raharja Perwakilan Semarang)
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Stock Price Volatility Out of LQ45 February - July 2022 Period
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Modeling the MSME Sector on Labor Absorption in Aceh
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